+ Types of Entries

  • Solo
  • Duet/Trio (Duets and trios compete in the same category.)
  • Small Group (4 to 9 dancers)
  • Large Group (10 to 19 dancers)
  • LINE/PRODUCTION (20 or more dancers)

+ Age Divisions

Ages for Solos, Duet/Trios and Groups are as of January 1st.

Overall recognition and medals will be given in the following five age divisions:

  • Mini: 8 years & under
  • Junior: 9-11 years
  • Teen: 12-14 years
  • Senior: 15-19 years
  • Adult: 20 years and over

Duet/Trio and Group entries cannot compete in an age division more than one age division younger than the oldest dancer’s age as of January 1 of the competing year, regardless of the average age.

EXAMPLE: If a Senior (18 years old) is competing with a group of Juniors, bringing the average age to 10 years old, the group would be moved into the teen category as it is one level lower than the senior dancer. The group would be placed in the lowest age division of that category (12 years old).

+ Dance Categories


  • Routine consisting primarily of Hip Hop Technique. The judges will score music containing inappropriate lyrics lower.

  • Any number of Acrobatic tricks are allowed in this category.


  • Routine featuring any style of dance that interprets a song from a Broadway show or movie musical.

  • Any number of acrobatic tricks are allowed in this category.


  • Routine must consist of primarily jazz technique.

  • Three gymnastic/acrobatic tricks are allowed.


  • Routine must contain tap technique and primarily tap work. It is preferred that tap sounds not be prerecorded in music.

  • Three gymnastic/acrobatic tricks are allowed.


  • Routine must consist of ballet technique. Must include classical steps and movements.

  • No pointe shoes allowed.

  • No gymnastic/acrobatic tricks are allowed.


  • Routine must consist of pointe/toe technique.

  • No gymnastic/acrobatic tricks are allowed.


  • Routine should demonstrate balance, extension, isolations and control utilizing the lyrics or mood of the music.

  • Three gymnastic/acrobatic tricks are allowed.


  • A routine using controlled acrobatic moves such as walkovers, limbers, handstands, chest rolls, etc. may contain gymnastic passes.

  • The majority of an acrobatic routine must be acrobatic moves, otherwise, the routine will be scored lower by the judges.

  • Acrobatic Dance may contain flexibility moves or contortionist moves, however, it must contain dance moves, steps, and choreography.


  • A routine using baton(s) and baton technique.

  • Baton routines will be judged on technique, steps, and choreography.

  • Any number of acrobatic tricks are allowed in this category.


  • A routine incorporating the use of pom pons.

  • Pom Pon routines must use precise and definite movement.

  • Any number of acrobatics are allowed. However, no stunts, tosses, or pyramids taller than one person is allowed or a one point penalty per judge will be incurred.

  • The routine will be judged on technique, moves, and choreography.


  • A routine using ethnic style of dance, such as Spanish, Hawaiian, polkas, etc.

  • Any number of acrobatic tricks are allowed in this category.


  • Any of our listed categories or combinations of listed category styles.

  • Acrobatic tricks are allowed in this category.


  • Routine should utilize contemporary style to show extension and balance. You can combine lyrical, modern and concert style techniques.

  • Any number of Acrobatic tricks are allowed in this category.


  • A routine utilizing a group of at least 10 dancers incorporating any style(s) of dance or acrobatic.

  • Production category has a time limit of 8:00 minutes.


  • Persons 20 years of age or over who are teachers, assistant teachers, professional dancers, or persons who have ever been teachers, assistant teachers, or professional dancers must compete in Teachers Categories.

  • Teacher's Solos, Duet/Trio, and Groups can compete in all types of dance listed above.

  • All Duet/Trios or Groups with even one teacher competitor must enter the Teacher's category.

+ Props

  • Fire, swords and knives on stage are prohibited. Simulated weapons with dull, safe edges are acceptable with approval of Prestige.

  • No liquid, paint, gel, aerosol, glitter, fog, smoke, powder, paint powder, ashes, or similar substance that would affect the dancing surface is allowed, unless specifically approved by Prestige. If this occurs, the routine may be scored lower by the judges.

  • Props are allowed, however they must be freestanding. Scenery or backdrops requiring the use of theater fly bars may not be used. Props, if used, must be prepared and set-up, and removed quickly. Judges may take excessive set-up or removal time into consideration.

  • Helium balloons are not permitted unless special permission is given by the venue.

  • Safety is always our major concern. If the stage is “littered” during a routine please be prepared to clean it up immediately after the routine is finished.

  • Hoverboards are prohibited.

+ Awards

  • Double Platinum, Platinum, Gold, and Silver Awards will be decided by a predetermined range of points for each place and performance level.

  • Double Platinum awards are only available for Advanced Level adjudication.

  • There may be multiple Double Platinum, Platinum, Gold, and Silver Awards in each age group and category.

Regionals Competitive Level Awards

Overall recognition and banners will be given in the following five age divisions:

  • Mini: 8 years & under
  • Junior: 9-11 years
  • Teen: 12-14 years
  • Senior: 15-19 years
  • Adult: 20 years and over

Please note: All PNT cash awarded has no cash value and PNT is not responsible for lost or stolen certificates. No cash awards or Double Platinum awards are given in the Novice & Intermediate Level. There must be at least 5 entries to a category to receive PNT Cash.

+ Prestige Appropriate

If dance movements, music lyrics, or costuming are deemed to be too suggestive or otherwise inappropriate for our family audience, or if the music contains vulgar or inappropriate lyrics, the routine will be scored lower by the judges.

+ Prestige’s Video & Photography Use

Contestants and teachers by virtue of entering a PNT event give their permission and consent to the Directors of PNT to use their images, photographs, or videos to appear in electronic media for advertising, news coverage, or any other commercial use.

+ Competition Levels

  • Studios are required to assign a performance level for each individual dancer at the time their roster is entered into the registration system. It is imperitive that performers are entered in the correct performance level as they will not be able to be changed once they are entered.

NOTE - Dancers may only be registered in one performance level. Any dancer found to be registered in more than one level may be disqualified.

  • Solos and Duet/Trios must compete at the level in which they are registered on your roster.

IMPORTANT - It is at the judges discretion to move any routine that they feel is placed in a level below their ability to the level in which they feel is necessary. All judges decisions are final and will not be changed. If the judges determine that a routine should be moved to a level that has already competed, the routine will then be eligible for adjudication only.

  • Any Routine that is bumped to a higher competition level at any PNT Competition, for any reason, will remain in that higher level for the rest of the season.

**Small Groups and Duet/Trios** - The highest level of dancer in a routine will determine the level of the routine. * Example: 1 Advanced Dancer and 8 Intermediate Dancers will determine the routine to be in the Advanced Level. One Intermediate Level dancer and 8 novice dancers will determine the routine to be in the Intermediate Level.

Large Groups and Lines - No more than 1/3 of the dancers in a routine may be a higher performance level than the level that the routine is entered.

  • Example: If a routine has 12 dancers - 4 advanced,4 intermediate & 4 novice, the routine will be placed in the ‘advanced’ level because 1/3 or more of the dancers are advanced.

**IMPORTANT NOTES ON COMPETTION LEVELS ** * **No advanced level dancers may perform in any novice level routines.** * Level changes must occur prior to the day of competition. * Groups/Lines may be placed in a higher competition level than the average of the participants, but never a lower level. * Any routine that is bumped to a higher level at any competition will remain in that higher level for the remainder of the season.

+ Level Assignment Guidelines

The following guidelines are suggestions to help determine appropriate level placement for each dancer. Teachers must use their own sound judgement to determine a level for each dancer. There is no way for PNT to know how many hours students spend in the studio, or how long a student has been dancing. Honesty is the best policy.


Advanced (Prestige) level is for top-level competitive dancers who truly possess advanced technical skills and artistry.

Examples of Advanced Level Technique:

  • Solid double and triple pirouettes
  • Multi-directional fouettés and á la second turns.
  • Turning jumps and leaps
  • Intricate turning sequences
  • Strong body lines and extensions
  • 5+ years of studio training
  • 6+ hours in the studio each week

Advanced entries are eligible for Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Double Platinum adjudications. Only dancers at the Prestige Advanced level are eligible for PNT Cash Awards.


A true step above the beginner level. These dancers are on the rise, showcasing developing skills as they continue to work to the advanced level. These dancers should have competiton experience and should understand the basics of beginning advanced skills.

Examples of Intermediate level Technique:

  • Beginner technique plus
  • Solid single pirouettes
  • Double pirouettes
  • Short sequences of multiple turns
  • Basic side and front jetés
  • 3-4 years of studio training
  • 4-5 hours in the studio each week

Intermediate entries are eligible for Silver, Gold, and Platinum adjudications. Not eligible for PNT Cash Awards or Double Platinum adjudications.


Novice level is for the true beginner. These dancers are working on understanding dance fundamentals, building a strong foundation, their body lines, and how to execute dance movements correctly.

Examples of Novice Level Technique:

  • Single pirouettes
  • Three step turns
  • Chassés
  • Grapevines
  • Grand jetés
  • 1-2 years of studio training
  • Less than 3 hours in the studio each week

Dancers can only be considered Novice for a maximum of three (3) years.

Novice entries are eligible for Sllver, Gold and Platinum adjudications. Not eligible for PNT Cash Awards or Double Platinum adjudications.

+ Category Point Deductions

  • The Ballet and Pointe dance categories can contain no gymnastic/acrobatic tricks. A one half (.5) point deduction per judge will be made for any gymnastic/acrobatic tricks in these categories. Tricks not allowed are movements that pass through or stop at a fully inverted (upside down) position with both feet off the floor (the torso passing or stopping directly over the top of ones head/shoulders). The only exceptions to this are forward, backward and shoulder rolls, and acrobatic tricks in lifts (a lift being defined as being supported by another dancer with any body part).

  • Tap, Jazz, and Lyrical dance categories can contain no more than three (3) gymnastic/acrobatic tricks. A one-half (.5) point deduction per judge will be made for any gymnastic/acrobatic tricks in these categories over three. A gymnastic pass will be counted as the number of tricks in the pass.

  • Inappropriate costuming, language, choreography, etc. will result in point deductions.

  • Time Limitation deductions of one tenth point (.1) per judge will be made for every 15 seconds (or any portion thereof) in excess of the allotted time limit beyond a 15% allowance for machine calibration error.

+ Time Limitations

  • Solo, Duet/Trio & Small Group entries: three minutes (3:00)

  • Large Group entries: four minutes (4:00)

  • Production category entries: eight minutes (8:00)

  • Additional time cannot be purchased.

  • A deduction of one tenth point (.1) per judge will be made for every 15 seconds (or any portion thereof) in excess of the allotted time limit beyond a 15% allowance for machine calibration error.

+ Regional Entry Limitations

  • Soloists are limited to two solo performances. Solos must be in two seperate genres.

  • Routines performed at Regionals are eligible to enter at Nationals.

  • Stages are 40 ft wide by 30 ft deep.

  • Any studio that makes an enrollment/routine change ten (10) days prior to the event is subject to a $5 fee for each change.

  • Routines are expected to perform in the order they are scheduled. If for any reason a routine performs out of its listed order, video playback of that routine during the awards ceremony cannot be assured.

  • Routines must be performed during the session in which they are scheduled. If the routine cannot perform during the session in which they are scheduled, it can be performed for judges comments only. The routine would not be eligible for overall awards. Adjudication will be announced on stage at the end of the regular awards, the appropriate medal or trophy given, and the routine will be qualified for Nationals.

  • Videotaping and movie cameras are prohibited.

  • Still photography is limited to taking photographs of your own child. No professional photography set-ups/tripods/monopods allowed.

  • Air horns or similar devices are prohibited.

  • Duet/Trios cannot place in Group categories.

  • Be precise. When registering for a competition, enter Music Titles and Participant Names exactly as they should appear in the Prestige Program.


  • A panel of competent judges will judge contestants. All entrants agree that the time, manner, and method of judging the contest shall be solely within the discretion of the directors and producers of PNT and that all decisions of the judges are final.

  • If dance movements, music lyrics, or costuming are deemed to be too suggestive or otherwise inappropriate for our family audience, or if the music contains vulgar or inappropriate lyrics, the routine will be scored lower by the judges.

  • A 5-point deduction will be made for routines that are not completed unless due to a costume malfunction that would result in an immodest performance.

  • A one point deduction per judge will be incurred if any special microphones or sound equipment is hooked up by PNT for any performance.


  • Each entry must furnish its own music. We prefer to have all music uploaded to dance bug via our website to ensure that music works properly while your dancer is performing. If this is not possible, please bring a cd or ipod marked with the contestant number.

  • Music must be uploaded five (5) days prior to the event.

  • Music on cell phones is not accepted.

  • It is recommended that you bring a second copy as a backup in the event of malfunction of original.

  • If submitting an iPod, each song should be on its own playlist.

  • Music left at the event will not be saved.

+ Performance & Advanced Level Awards

Overall recognition will be given in the following five age divisions:

  • Mini: 8 years & under
  • Junior: 9-11 years
  • Teen: 12-14 years
  • Senior: 15-19 years
  • Adult: 20 years and over

Please note - No cash awards are given in the Novice & Intermediate Level. Must be at least 5 to a category.

+ Registration

  • Entries will be processed in the order they are received and will be limited to the amount of performance time available.

  • NO entries will be processed until they are PAID IN FULL.


  • Registration must be done on our website, through DanceBug. Payment must be made via credit card, or e-check.

  • It is IMPERATIVE that your roster be entered/updated with the CORRECT PERFORMANCE LEVEL and CORRECT DATE OF BIRTH. This WILL NOT be able to be changed after the schedule is completed.

  • After payment is made, you will receive a summary via email of all routines registered. It is extremely important that you review this information including birth date and age division, and reply IMMEDIATELY with any corrections. NO CHANGES WILL BE PERMITTED LESS THAN 10 DAYS PRIOR TO THE COMPETITION OR AT THE COMPETITION.

+ Competition Schedule

  • A competition schedule will be emailed no later than seven (7) days before the competition date to all entrants. Every regional schedule is based on the breakdown of entries by solos, duet/trios, groups and lines in each age division for that particular city. This breakdown is not available until all of the entries have been processed. Once all entries are processed, a schedule will be set to best accommodate all entrants at that competition.

  • In order to receive adjudication and compete for high score awards, all entries must compete on the day and time assigned. Any entry, which is not able to compete at their assigned day and time, may request an alteration to the routine’s performance time to perform for adjudication only.

  • Routines will perform in numerical order, based on the number assigned to your routine. If the backstage manager sees potential delays due to costume changes, you may be asked to compete out of sequence. Please be prepared to compete when we call your number, even though it may be a few numbers earlier than you anticipated.

  • Performers MUST be checked in with the Backstage Manager at least 5 numbers prior to their scheduled performance time. Failure to do so may result in your routine being disqualified.

    NOTE - If you are concerned you may not be able to make your scheduled time due to costume changes or similiar problems, please notify the backstage manager. If the backstage manager has not been notified of any problem, and you are not ready to compete when called, your routine may be disqualified.

+ Withdrawling/Adding Dancers

All withdrawals or additions must be made by the studio no later than ten (10) days prior to the competition date(s).

+ Videos and Photos Available For Purchase

Participating contestants and studios may purchase video and photo downloads of their routines.

+ Safety

  • Any performer competing in dance competitions takes certain inherent risks. These include, but are not limited to, sprains, bruises, pulled muscles, and broken bones.

  • Participation in this competition indicates the acceptance of such risks by performers. Therefore by virtue of entering this event, it is agreed that participants will not hold PRESTIGE NATIONAL TALENT® Inc.; or its officers,directors officials, staff or employees responsible for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted by them while in attendance and/or participating in any activity related to a PRESTIGE NATIONAL TALENT® Competition or Convention.

  • PNT and the hosting facility are not responsible for personal injury to contestants or spectators.

  • PNT is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Do not leave your property and valuables unattended in the event center, theater, or dressing rooms.

+ PNT Top Title Solo

  • HOW IT WORKS: The PNT Top Title Solo entries will be judged during their regular solo performance, but will be entered into a separate awards category.

  • There is an extra fee in addition to solo fees to compete for Top Title

  • Only 2 solos per person can be entered into the title division. Solos must be different genres.

  • Only the top 1st place in each age group (advanced level only) will be awarded. All dance styles will be combined for the top title solo award.

  • Title winners will receive a plaque, tiara or crown and t shirt.

Title categories are:

  • Mini Miss/Mr. Prestige
  • Junior Miss/Mr. Prestige
  • Teen Miss/Mr. Prestige
  • Senior Miss/Mr. Prestige

+ Photogenic

Physical photos are required to enter and must be turned into the registration table. Entries are accepted on the day of the event, but must be registered and submitted prior to the start of the appropriate awards session.

Please include the following information on the back of the photo-

  • Name of Dancer
  • Dancer's age as of January 1st
  • Studio Name

Photos may be picked up at the judges table by the end of the event. All photos not picked up will be disposed of.

+ Scoring and Tabulation

Technique (30-40)
Performance (30-40)
Choreography (5-10)
Overall Impression (5-10)
100 total possible from each judge

Silver- 0-239.9
Gold- 240-269.9
Platinum- 270-284.9
Double Platinum- 285-300 (ADVANCED LEVEL ONLY)

+ Awards Process for 2023 Season

Routines will receive the following adjudications:

  • Solos will receive one (1) license plate.

  • Duo/Trios will receive a medal for each dancer.

  • Groups will receive one (1) license plate and a medal for each dancer.

  • Only Advanced Level Dancers are eligible for Double Platinum Adjudication.

  • Studios may be presented with specialty awards and banners during overalls.

  • Titles receive a license plate, tiara or crown, and t shirt.

  • Photogenic winners will receive a license plate.

  • In addition, Judges Choice awards, Elite Entertainment, Choreography and PNT Professionalism banners are awarded at each competition.